Diagnostics? You support assistants doing diagnostics?
Can we start the course at any time?
How long does the course take?
Is this a one-time course or can we have multiple staff members take it?
Is this a course something we can revisit if we need to refer to something?
FREE Audiology Assistant Job Description Builder???
Audiology Academy is an online training site that specializes in training courses for Audiology Assistants, Audiology Technicians, Audiology Aides, Audiometric Assistants, Audiometric Tech's and Hearing Aid Provider Apprentices.
Diagnostics? You support assistants doing diagnostics?
The "diagnostics" that are referred to in the Modules is a review of the diagnostic evaluations of the hearing system that are typical to an audiology/ENT clinic. We do not support audiology assistants performing diagnostic evaluations as it is not considered under the scope of practice for an Audiology Assistant by our national organizations. We DO believe it is in the best interest of the clinic for the assistant to understand the diagnostic evaluations - their purpose and general procedures.
However, we DO believe that it is in the best interest of patient care for Audiology Assistants to be able to perform hearing screenings as well as tympanometry and OAE screenings but that is up to the supervising audiologist if they want to allow that.
The cost for the training varies by a few simple factors. We have multiple sales channels:
Direct through our site - Sign up and click on Get this course. Pricing is listed on the site itself.
Direct Partners - Direct Partners sell directly to their group members. Many of our partners have member dollars that can be used to purchase the courses.
Affiliate Partners - Organizations like Academy of Doctors of Audiology (ADA) and others have a discount code that can be applied to the Complete Audiology Assistant Training course.
*Only one discount can be applied per purchase.
Does the online course expire?
Yes, each course has an expiration or time limit to access the online coursework.
Complete Audiology Assistant Training - 2 years
Core Audiology Assistant Training - 2 years
Basic Audiology Assistant Training - 6 months
All other individual courses - 6 months
Can we start the course at any time?
Yes, as soon as you sign up and purchase the course, the online training can begin. If you purchase a 6-month course, then go on vacation, send us an email and we can extend the time for you.
How long does the course take?
Each course is self-paced and is estimated to take about a week for each module. The Complete Audiology Assistant Training has 15 modules, the Core and Basic Audiology Assistant Training each have 10 modules. Typically, new assistants will start seeing patients under the close supervision of an audiologist in approximately six to eight weeks after beginning the course and should be completely autonomous by the six-month mark.
Is this a one-time course? Or can we have multiple staff members take it?
Yes AND No, the Complete & Core Audiology Assistant Training courses allow you to train 3 assistants in a 2 year period from purchase but if extra time needs to be added for the 2nd or 3rd assistant to be used, that is not a problem, send us an email. If you want to train additional assistants, you will need to buy extra seats and those can be purchased one at a time. The Basic Audiology Assistant Training is for a single individual use for 6 months.
Can we revisit the course if we need to refer to something?
Yes, the courses are available for the set duration. Your access is not removed before that time. There is also the paper version that is downloadable from the files and can be reviewed at any time after that.
As we add modules to your course or modify them, we send email notifications so that you can return to review those changes or take and added modules.
We want to make sure it is understood that this is currently a certificate of completion program for Audiology Assistants (supervised by an Au.D.) and not a certification. There are also varying state requirements regarding the scope of care these positions can provide. Please be sure to use the link below to reference your specific state's requirements.
Every state has its own rules and regulations for having an Audiology Assistant in clinic. View our State Requirements page on our sister site for information specific to your state. Or, feel free to email [email protected] and we'll find out the specifics for you.