General Posting Guidelines
We want to make sure everyone has a good time and is able to find what they are looking for. So here are some general guidelines and suggestions to help you navigate the forums.
1. Please use SEARCH first if you have a question.
As time goes on, more and more questions will be asked and answered. Please use the forum’s search feature first to see if there are already some good threads on the subject. It’s easy to search – just click the “Search” icon at the top right of the page.
2. Be DESCRIPTIVE with topic names
Post a descriptive topic name. Give a short summary of your problem IN THE SUBJECT. Don’t use attention getting subjects. They tend to only annoy people. Here’s a great list of topic subjects YOU SHOULD NOT POST :
Help me, Hello, Very urgent, I have a question
Generally anything similar to these is unacceptable. Here are a few good examples of a way to post a question:
“How do I download the files mentioned in a chapter” or “what are the requirements for an Audiology Assistant in Washington”
Remember we are all here to help each other.
Be patient, help people out by posting good descriptions of what you need help with and remember we are all trying to learn in this space.
Forum Rules
1. No Spam / Advertising / Self-promote in the forums
These forums define spam as unsolicited advertisement for goods, services and/or other web sites, or posts with little, or completely unrelated content. Do not spam the forums with links to your site or product, or try to self-promote your website, business or forums etc. Spamming also includes sending private messages to a large number of different users. Your account will be banned permanently and your posts will be deleted.
2. Do not post copyright-infringing material
Providing or asking for information on how to illegally obtain copyrighted materials is not allowed.
3. Do not post “offensive” posts, links or images
Any material which constitutes defamation, harassment, or abuse is strictly prohibited. Material that is sexually or otherwise obscene, racist, or otherwise overly discriminatory is not permitted on these forums. This includes user pictures. Use common sense while posting. This is a web site for audiology professionals.
4. Do not cross post questions
Please refrain from posting the same question in several forums. There is normally one forum which is most suitable in which to post your question.
5. Do not PM users asking for help
Do not send private messages to any users asking for help. If you need help, make a new thread in the appropriate forum then the whole community can help and benefit.
6. Remain respectful of other members at all times
All posts should be professional and courteous. You have every right to disagree with your fellow community members and explain your perspective. However, you are not free to attack, degrade, insult, or otherwise belittle them or the quality of this community. It does not matter what title or power you hold in these forums, you are expected to obey this rule.
General Forum Questions
What happens if I break a rule?
If you break a rule, then you will either be warned or banned. A ban of your user account may either be temporary or permanent.The administrators and moderators also have the right to edit, delete, move or close any thread or post as they see necessary, without prior warning.
What happens if I see a thread/post which has broken a rule?
Please report the thread/post to the moderators or admin.
Where can I find out who is in charge?
The Forum Moderators are displayed in every Forum.